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Hugo Vaz Serra

Hugo Vaz Serra

Advisor - Legal

Acting as a lawyer since 2003, Hugo Vaz Serra is one of the partners at the law firm VSA – VAZ SERRA & ASSOCIADOS, Sociedade de Advogados, SP, RL (VSA), a medium sized law firm in accordance with the national parameters, which allows the firm to have a personal contact with its clients and also to have the organization in several areas of law services in different fields, making it a full service law firm.

VSA advises corporate clients as well as private clients, placing special focus on: Arbitration, Corporate & Commercial, Tax Law, Dispute Resolution & Litigation, Insurance, Real Estate, Notary and Registers, Employment Law, Sports Law, Reorganization & Insolvency, IP & Data Protection, Family and Succession Law and Immigration Law.


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Jorge Dot

Jorge Dot

Advisor – International Entrepreneurship

Based in London, Jorge is a serial entrepreneur, having founded more than 20 companies in several areas of activity, such as energy, fashion, arts, digital transformation, blockchain and other.  Jorge is the founding partner of the Wundersight group of companies.

Jorge is an Industrial Engineer, with extensive experience in Energy consulting and business development Jorge is an Expert in creating successful companies.


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João Jesus Ferreira

João Jesus Ferreira

Advisor - Energy

João holds an electric engineering degree from Instituto Superior Técnico de Lisboa (IST) and a mechanical engineering degree from Instituto dos Pupilos do Exército.

He also holds a Master’s degree in Politics, Economy and Energy planning from ISEG and IST, and a Master’s degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from FCT-Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

With more than 40 years of experience, he was a university professor in several institutions, Director at ADENE, Consultant at the Environment State Department, Advisor at Direcção Geral de Energia and CEO at GDF SUEZ (ENGIE) in Portugal.


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